“Why fit in when you were born to stand out!”
– Dr Seuss –
How our Rainbow Team might be able to support you:
Rainbow Worker In-Home Supports and assistance with daily activities
- Personal care and hygiene support
- Meal preparation and planning
- Help organising your home, domestic assistance and basic cleaning
- Medication prompting
- Assistance with scheduling and setting up a daily routine
- Evening, overnight and weekend supports available
Rainbow Worker community supports and access to social and community participation
- Support to attend events, appointments and functions
- Shopping assistance – either supporting you to achieve this or where needed unaccompanied with a shopping list.
- Transport and social support
- Day Programs & Group Activities
- STA packages
Tele health checks and med prompts
Scheduled 15-30 minute welfare checks and phone prompts as required and needed.
NOTE: Rainbow Supports can be accessed through Home Care Packages, NDIS core and capacity building budgets and as a private service. Not sure how? Give us a call and have a chat.